
iFunia DVD Ripper for Windows User Guide

July 27, 2023 Preview 165 Preview 0
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iFunia DVD Ripper for Windows is a tool can rip DVD for easier backup, playback, editing and sharing. It can duplicate the DVD content to your computer for playing on a various of devices, like PC, Andriod, iPhone, HDTV, etc. In this guide, we will introduce to you how to rip DVD with iFunia DVD Ripper on your computer.


Part 1 Download & Install

1. You can download the installation package of iFunia DVD Ripper from the below link.

Free Download Windows 11/10/8/7

2. Install iFunia DVD Ripper with the downloaded package.

Double-click the .exe file to run it.

Select a folder to install the program (It is recommended to save it under D: drive instead of C: Drive)

Click Next > Next > Install to continue the installation process, when the below window appears, it means that the program has been installed successfully.


Part 2 Activation (Optional)

After installing the program, you need to activate the program if you want to use the full version features.

1. Find iFunia DVD Ripper on your desktop or in the folder where you installed it, double click to run it, and then click the key icon at the right upper corner.

2. Copy-n-paste the license code into the popped-up window, click Activate.


Part 3 How to rip a DVD?

iFunia DVD Ripper supports ripping both homemade and commercial DVDs no matter it is new or old, you can refer to the below steps to learn how to rip a DVD with iFunia.

Step 1 Add DVD

You can directly drag and drop the DVD into the blank place of the main interface or click  to add the DVD into the program.


Step 2 Mark the titles you want to convert

Normally a DVD contains several titles in it, iFunia marked all the titles by default after loading the DVD and you are allowed cancel the check of the titles that you don't need to convert.


1. When a DVD had multiple audio tracks and subtitles, you are only allowed to select one audio track or subtitles to rip, please correctly select the audio track and subtitles after loading the DVD disc.

2. Right click one of the titles, you can choose to check all/uncheck all the titles.


Step 3 Select the Output format

There are various output video formats supported with iFunia DVD Ripper, just click the "Convert all tasks to" to select your desired format.


Step 4 Select a location through "Save to" to save the converted file, and then click  to start the conversion.

1. You can directly click  after the video to directly access to the converted video.

2. If you want to generate one video to combine all the videos in, just check on  before clicking the convert button. 

Please note that when you check on the Merge button, please click "Convert all tasks to" to choose or change the output format.


Part 4 How to edit titles in a DVD?

iFunia DVD Ripper has a built-in editor tool, if you want to edit the titles, just click  to get into the Edit window, you can trim, crop, effects, rotate, watermark, volume on the titles. Below we will introduce to you all the editor tools in iFunia DVD Ripper.


a. Trim

1. You can click  to play the selected file. Move  and  of the playback progress bar to choose a specific part of the video.

2. You can also manually enter the Start Time and End Time to confirm the clip to be trimmed.   

Note: If the time you enter is unreasonable, like the End Time is greater than the video duration or the End Time is less than the Start Time, the time will be reset automatically.                                 

3. To reset the start and end time back to the original, just click 


b. Crop

1. Navigate to Crop tab, you can manually adjust the cropping area by dragging the central and surrounding handles.

2. You can also adjust the size and position of cropping area by changing the figures in those four boxes. 

3. You can select an output aspect ratio for cropping with four options: Keep Original Ratio, 16:9, 4:3 and Any.

4. To reset the video back to the original, just click 


c. Rotate

1. Navigate to Rotate tab, each of the four buttons specifically represents one specific way to rotate or flip the video, click the button as your requirement.

2. To reset the video back to the original, just click 

3. If you want to apply the rotate to all the imported video files, you can just click  to apply the rotate effect to all the imported video files.


d. Watermark

1. Navigate to Watermark tab, you are allowed to add any text watermark or image watermark to the video.

2. Text watermark: select the "Text type", type the content in the box, pick its font and color by clicking  and , and set its position and degree of transparency. 

3. Image watermark: select the "Image type", click  to choose the image to be used as a watermark, and set its position and degree of transparency.

4. If you want to use the watermark on all loaded videos, you can click  after finishing the watermark.


e. Effects

1. Navigate to Effects tab, set the degrees of Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Tint, Temperature by resetting their respective control sliders.

2. Choose a special effect for the output video from the list in "More Effects" option box.

3. In this section, you also can find the deinterlacement feature, which can turn interlaced videos into a non-interlaced form, enhancing spectators viewing experience rather appreciably. And it is also quite easy to use. Just need to check the box of "Enable Deinterlacing".

4. To cancel all the effects and reset the video back to the original, just click 

5. If you want to use the same effects on all loaded videos, you can click  after finishing the settings.


f. Subtitle

Navigate to Subtitle tab, and then you are able to select embedded subtitles the video includes or import an external subtitle files from your local drive.

Tips: .srt, .ass and .ssa subtitle file are supported.


g. Chapter

Navigate to Chapter tab, click  , fill in the end time, press "Enter" on your keyboard to confirm your filling, then Chapter 1 has been created. You can also add chapter2 or more chapters in the same manner.

Tips: Cisdem Video Converter can not only create chapters,  but also recognize the chapters that you created in another video editor program. You will just need to get into the Chapter section, and then Cisdem will auto recognize the chapters and display them in the chapter box.


h. Volume

1. In some cases, the voice of the original video is too loud or too low, if you want to adjust it, you can navigate to Volume tab, slide the volume bar as you like.

2. In addition, if you want to add “Fade In” effect at the beginning of the video or add “Fade Out” effect at the end of your video, tick the option “Fade In” or “Fade Out” and then select the duration.


Part 5 Application Updating

We always suggest users to use the latest version of the program.

When you launch iFunia DVD Ripper, iFunia will auto check for updates.

Also, you can click  > Check for Updates… to manually update it.


Jessica Nielsen has worked in iFunia for 8 years, she is very familiar and professional with video parameters and iFunia’s programs, and can provide accurate and useful suggestions to iFunia users.

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